
Ben Crothers

“All great work starts with curiosity”

Ben Crothers

About Ben

Ben has been involved in design since before Netscape ruled the www, and in digital strategy for about the last 10 years.

Ben is currently Principal Facilitator at Bright Pilots, and spends a lot of his time teaching design techniques, running strategic workshops, and helping teams be more creative and to focus on the right things.

Previous to Bright Pilots, Ben was a Principal Designer at Atlassian, a design consultant at Second Road (a strategic innovation consultancy), and directed several projects to help companies and government departments be more creative in solving complex problems for their customers and communities.

Above all, Ben wants everyone to be just as good at the whiteboard as they are at the keyboard, to be better at thinking, communicating, and solving problems visually. He's packed years of experience into practical tips and exercises in his book Presto Sketching: Simple Drawing for Brilliant Product Thinking and Design.

He enjoys extreme sports like abstract painting and brewing beer.

Sydney, Australia

Total classes


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Ben’s classes

Better meetings for strategy and planning

Learn how to lead better strategy sessions and offsites, to clarify your vision, purpose, success, and direction.

Ben Crothers Ben Crothers

Live online

On-demand online video


Better remote and hybrid meetings

Learn how to make every online or hybrid meeting more engaging and productive, using a range of apps and methods.

Ben Crothers Ben Crothers

Live online

On-demand online video


Better meetings for creativity and innovation

Learn how to lead better brainstorming meetings that generate more creative ideas, and remove obstacles to innovation.

Ben Crothers Ben Crothers

Live online

On-demand online video


Better meetings for alignment and decisions

Learn how to help teams make decisions better together, and improve accountability for action.

Ben Crothers Ben Crothers

Live online

On-demand online video


Problem framing for product and service teams

Learn how to unlock breakthrough solutions by seeing and communicating product and service problems in more effective ways.

Ben Crothers Ben Crothers

Live online

On-demand online video


Drawing for product and service teams

Learn practical techniques to communicate your product and service ideas in more compelling ways.

Ben Crothers Ben Crothers

Live online

On-demand online video


Drawing for business and strategy

Bring more clarity and persuasion to your business communications with simple and practical drawing techniques.

Ben Crothers Ben Crothers

Live online

On-demand online video


Gamestorming Expeditions for facilitation

Immerse yourself in this set of six sessions (18 hours) to learn how to be a more creative and collaborative visual thinker, change maker and rule breaker.

Ben Crothers Ben Crothers

Live online

On-demand online video
