Gamestorming Expeditions for facilitation

6 live online interactive classes

A screenshot of a Zoom call and online canvas during a Gamestorming Expeditions session

Immerse yourself in this set of six sessions (18 hours) to learn how to be a more creative and collaborative visual thinker, change maker and rule breaker.


$799 (USD; Convert to your currency)

Next scheduled Expedition:

4-14 October 2022, 12pm-3pm AEST/GMT+10


Learn breakthrough facilitation moves from a Gamestorming master

As our working world becomes increasingly complex, we must develop techniques to navigate uncertainty and keep work engaging, creative and fun.

The Expedition will equip you to:

  • Complete the Navigating Uncertainty: Futures Thinking workshop that you can use with your team or your clients to navigate uncertainty and build strategic resiliency.
  • Build your confidence in facilitating a wide variety of games for any meeting or workshop.
  • Understand which games to use, and how to create engaging agendas using the Open-Explore-Close framework, for any meeting outcome.
  • Help your team overcome inhibitions that are holding them back from doing their best work together.
  • Cultivate vital facilitation skills, like observation, insightful questioning, and visual thinking.
  • Get hands-on with the tech of online workshops, including virtual whiteboards, digital drawing programs, and videoconference software.

Show more of your value to your team

This class is great for anyone looking to work with more creativity, collaboration and agency.

This class is great for:

  • Managers and team leaders who want to demonstrate collaborative leadership
  • Project managers and program managers who need to help get teams un-stuck, and to come away thinking every meeting was a great use of time
  • Facilitators and instructors who want to boost their toolkit
  • Consultants who want to bring extra value to their services with clients
  • Scrum masters, coaches and agile practitioners who want to improve their teams’ ways of working

Serious value for serious change makers

This series of six sessions goes well beyond regular training. You’ll develop supporting skills like drawing and visual thinking, and see behind the curtain of how it all comes together: planning, stakeholder meetings, pre-work, game selection and follow-up.

This class gives you access to:

  • 18 hours of live class time with a master Gamestormer, including 30 minutes of Office Hours after each session
  • Take home a complete, new workshop - Navigating Uncertainty: Futures Thinking - for immediate use with your team or clients
  • Meet and network with Gamestormers around the world
  • Your questions answered throughout the class time
  • Post-session emails summarising the lessons learned, key discussions points, resources referenced and homework assignments due
  • Access to the Gamestorming Expedition Alumni Slack channel

What Gamestormers are saying about Expeditions

The facilitation and design of these sessions is masterful. From the set up of the pre-work to the actual sessions and the homework during the courses, the team really makes you feel supported and a very comfortable environment is created. (I think a lot of people come to these courses out of their comfort zones so this is so important!) The supportive environment allows you to try new things, ask questions, fail comfortably, and build new skills. The number of cool tips and tricks we have been able to directly integrate into our own work was surprising, and great!

The first expedition we did was very useful for our team- we had started using MIRO prior to the expedition but we really learned so much in Gamestorming that we were able to apply directly to our work - I think we were using new methods as approaches as we were learning them! I’d recommend Gamestorming and drawing for work to anyone looking for inspiration in virtual workshop design or facilitation!

Sarah Fletcher, Innovation Support Unit, University of British Columbia

Expeditions are truly as hands-on as it gets. It’s an immersive experience in the world of Gamestorming and you are starting your practice and learning even before the expedition starts. You might not realize it until you are right in it but you can quickly start connecting all of the pieces together, understanding how Gamestorming works and immediately seeing some real-world applications to whatever context you are in. One thing I really liked was the summary emails we got after each session. Because the overall experience was so hands-on, these summary notes represented a thoughtful reminder of everything we learned and were crucial in closing the loop at the end of each session.

After going through this expedition, I got a bit more strategic around planning the right games and sequence of games to make the best use of time in my meetings and workshops. This has translated into much better outcomes for my meetings but also lots of comments and interest from participants around the tools, approach and overall ways of working. There is a bit of a different energy in the room that emerges when you are gamestorming! I’ve also gotten a bit more creative with games, changing them up to suit my needs. Before the expedition, I would just follow the games almost to the letter not realizing the interesting combinations that can help create better spaces for collaboration.

Ricardo Ramirez, Toronto

The approach to strategic problem-solving is robust… Coupled with excellent exercises, makes for a coherent system.

Jesko von den Steinen, PwC, Hong Kong

This expedition took us through the process as participants while showing us "behind the curtain" at why and how the process was working. It gave us a place to experiment and even break things a bit. What surprised me was the burst of energy I came away with for innovation thinking and visualization. I have been reframing how I think about my work and what I can offer to clients moving forward.

Jennifer Greenberg

The Gamestorming Expedition was invaluable for learning how to create and facilitate online workshops using games and visualisation (also useful for in person workshops). Practical and hands on it provided the experience of using some of the vast array of Gamestorming tools and techniques available. It also provided confidence to draw and visualise ideas - a big hurdle for someone who doesn’t consider themselves "artistic". Plus, the Expedition was a great reminder of the importance of preparation, including planning which games to play when, based on outcomes sought. The effectiveness of the tools and techniques used and taught was proven when the 2 1/2 hours for each session seemed to quickly disappear. Overall, a great learning experience.

Catherine Rickwood, Australia

It was very interactive but also light hearted and fun. It enabled you to learn from the facilitators and also from your fellow participants. It was also great to work intensively across 2 weeks. I was pleasantly surprised to see people from all across the world attending the sessions from a wide variety of different organisations and cultures. I really enjoyed my time on the Expedition. I learnt about the power of visuals over words. It also boosted my confidence in using virtual whiteboards in my facilitated sessions. I have already recommended the Expedition to other colleagues!

Milda Zinkus, Zinkus Consulting Limited

I have been doing workshops for years and wanted to be more visual and up my game. I was recommended the Gamestorming book by an associate who delivered innovative and visual workshops. It was great to meet people from all over the world and hear about their experiences. I’d recommend the expedition to those wanting to improve their facilitation skills.

Miriam Lemar, Libera Partners LLP (UK)

I liked the Gamestorming-book already, but wanted to experience more of it by actually working with the games! This expedition gave me lot of ideas to take into practice on my next meetings / workshops / training sessions. And it was also very nice to participate in a group with gamestormers from across the planet!

Ferry Tekent The Drawing Auditor

The expedition was a great way to see the games in action, pick up some ideas on how to run the games as well as hearing the experiences of other people into the expedition. I’m not sure metatraining is the right phrase but it was the training about the training which was really useful - seeing Dave and Codie facilitate the sessions. It was also really hands on and we learnt by doing. What surprised me was I wasn’t alone - even people with years of facilitation experience were picking up new ideas.

John Westworth, Microsoft

For an online expedition it was very hands-on. I was lucky to have a fantastic group of peers to work with. As a result of this Expedition, my facilitation has changed a bit, for the better. I draw more, of course, but I’m letting the participants use the whiteboard more and express themselves within certain structures and rules, and after some trial and error, it works.

Alan Osbahr, Beneo GmbH

I was pleasantly surprised that the course had global participants and was much larger than my previous group. I loved the experience of meeting new professionals and learning more about the work they do and where we have crossover. This expedition helped me identify my go to games. I feel more comfortable selecting games for my workshops to keep them engaging and productive!

Kay Marcovic, KJM Leadership Development

Seen the book? Experience the Expedition!

Gamestorming is the wildly successful book by Dave Gray, Sunni Brown and James Macanufo, for people who want to use Design Thinking to navigate complex challenges, to engage others, and to start, grow and sustain movements for change. It’s a toolkit packed with over 80 insightful games plus proven solutions that anyone can pick up and start using in meetings and workshops.

(523 ratings - Amazon)

“If you facilitate workshops and meetings you should read this book. While the compilation of techniques is great, the biggest take away for me on a second reading is the framework and pattern-library-ish approach to that compilation. I'm certainly going to be re-thinking some of the work that I do in that context. Recommended.”

Adrian Howard

Praise for Gamestorming Expeditions

This was the first time I felt our team truly collaborated since the pandemic hit. The time flew by!


Gamestorming offered us a vehicle of true engagement. Everyone’s voice was heard. Everyone participated. We had fun. There was real collaboration. This is what I am striving for as a manager.


I used to have trouble moving from one thing to another, and keeping momentum in a session...but now I understand how to link games together, to keep a consistent flow.




(USD; Convert to your currency)

This class gives you access to:

  • 18 hours of live class time with a master Gamestormer, including 30 minutes of Office Hours after each session
  • The Navigating Uncertainty: Futures Thinking workshop to use with your team or clients
  • Meet and network with Gamestormers around the world
  • Your questions answered throughout the class time
  • Post-session emails summarising the lessons learned, discussion points, resources and homework
  • Access to the Gamestorming Expedition Alumni Slack channel

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Dates and times available

OCTOBER 2022 AEST/GMT+10/Sydney time:
12pm-3pm each day - 4, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14 October 2022
ET/GMT-4/New York time:
8pm-11pm each day - 3, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13 OCtober 2022
Ben Crothers Ben Crothers
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Class times are shown here for Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST, or GMT +10 hours) and American Eastern Time (ET, or GMT -4 hours). Are you in another time zone? Convert these times to your time zone.

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