Our work
Closing the disability inequity gap

Co-design and facilitation of multiple workshops and workshop activity templates and canvases.


Photo of a group having a conversation in a workshop, with someone with disability in a wheelchair leading the discussion
Logo of The University of Sydney

The challenge

One of Australia’s most normalised inequities is the significant disadvantage faced by people with disability living in rural, regional and remote areas accessing supports to meet their needs.

The Centre for Disability Research and Policy (CDRP), headquartered at the University of Sydney, is spearheading a Centre of Excellence to address this massive challenge, based on their existing acumen and research footprint around Australia. This required bringing a large and disparate multi-disciplinary group together to define and align on all the fundamental aspects of such a quest.

Our approach

A challenge like this was certainly not going to be solved with one offsite. Instead, Bright Pilots has been working closely with the CDRP leadership team to co-design and facilitate several engagements and conversations to forge the essential ingredients that everyone involved can proudly say that they have been a part of. It has included:

  • Articulating a vision that sees a world where this entrenched inquity is addressed
  • Crafting a set of values and principles for everyone to operate under together
  • Generating, prioritising and refining an interconnected set of themes and outcomes where everyone can see how their work contributes
  • Defining an operating model and governance structure, rural-first and disability-led

Much of these gatherings and workshops have been done as a hybrid of online and in-person interactions, given the wide variety of locations where various staff, researchers, academics and stakeholders live and work. We took geat pleasure in designing various online collaboration spaces using Miro, for everyone to use, to contribute their ideas and responses to design-led strategic questions.

A photo of some participants during a hybrid workshop, using an online collaboration board on Miro

We have also designed bespoke templates and canvases for everyone to (re)frame their contributions and expertise, in ways that have created a common framework and common language.

A photo of someone capturing their thoughts using a Research Canvas, bespoke designed by Bright Pilots

The outcome

The Centre of Excellence is only just getting going, but the various sessions that we have helped design and run have certainly set the Centre up for success. At the time of writing this, we have helped the leadership team to crystallise much of the inputs into a grant application.

It’s been wonderful to observe how the making of strategic outputs together has been just as impactful as what is made. In other words, a wide variety of people involved in disability rights, services, education and policy across Australia are exercising healthy effective patterns of working together, and building rapport and trust with each other.

Thank you so much Ben, we are so grateful. The experience in Perth was so encouraging and your preparation, your facilitation and your joy was palpable.

Amanda Viviers
Brand and Creative Director, Compassion Australia

Ben and Steve created an environment with the structure and provocations we needed to work intentionally on our market position. With their support we are moving from hopeful ideas towards robust thinking that aligns with our growth goals.

Naomi Nash
Director, New River

We’ve been in a lot of meeting rooms and boardrooms...

Here are some organisations that Bright Pilots has been privileged to facilitate for:

Client logos of City of Sydney and ZipClient logos of Atlassian, Aurora Energy, and the NSW GovernmentClient logos of Drawify and EucalyptusClient logos of the City of Newcastle and My ChildeClient logos of Compassion Australia and InnowellClient logos of Norwest Christian College and InvestibleClient logos of Shoreline and University of WollongongClient logos of Work for Climate and HopePoint Christian School

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Our services

Dive into the other services we offer, either as part of our facilitation and strategy service, or separately.


Icon of a path through choices
We run workshops for better discovery, strategy, scoping, and innovation, whether it’s in the room, Zoom, or anything in between.

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Icon of cloudiness turning into clarity
We turn complexity into clarity, and increase your audience’s engagement with illustrations, strategy maps and diagrams, live scribing, and other visual communications.

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Icon of a group of people and a collective smile
We help your team work better together by using our very own innovation performance coaching program as a way for them to solve a current challenge, and pitch the solution to their leadership.

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Icon of a strong arm
We build your organisation’s capabilities in ‘21st Century’ skills that are crucial for work now, and for what’s next, including strategy, facilitation, and visualisation.

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